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I'm Praphasiri, a creative person who loves everything artistic. I come from Thailand, a country full of vibrant culture and history, but now I live in the beautiful country of Switzerland. Moving from Thailand to Switzerland has given me a unique mix of both cultures, which I bring into all my creative projects.

I enjoy exploring different kinds of art and design, especially digital marketing, graphic design, and content creation. My Thai background adds a special touch to my work, blending traditional and modern styles. Living in Switzerland has taught me to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and nature, which you can see in my creations.

I'm always open to learning new things and trying new techniques. The journey of learning keeps my creativity fresh and exciting. Working with others is something I truly enjoy. I believe great ideas come from teamwork and sharing different perspectives.


Whether you're a fellow artist, a brand, or someone with a cool project, I'm excited to collaborate and create something amazing together.

Let's connect and make something beautiful!

Let's connect!

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© 2024 by Praphasiri Schmid

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